Algorithmic Market Analysis
Profitfrom historic market data withmachine learning!
S&P 500 vs Prediction (3 Months)
ML-Model Prediction Accuracy (All Markets): 0.00%
Market Analysis can be
complicated . . .
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Hours of Research
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Hope your Calculations
are reasonable
Maschine-learning for
market predictions!
The InSign Product you get, is a Dashboard with predictions and Technical Indicators for private Invertors and Professionals on +10 Markets created by a machine-learning model with +60% accuracy.
To be clear, those model predictions are estimates and nothing is guaranteed. However, threw out history there are many Indexes, like the US Yield Curve, which surpringly strongly correlate with financial markets like the S&P 500. Professional Investors are using such correlations, to anticipate big market movements. The ML-Model is trained on these correlations and therefore can create reasonable predictions on big markets (+60% accuracy).
Throughout history, you can see how one index-fall is anothers index-rise. The maschine-learning model uses this to predict future index movements.
The algorithm uses historical data to anticipate important indicators for possible market movements.
The algorithm uses various trading strategies in combination with indicators to make reasonable predictions.
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POPULAR- Predictions on +10 markets
- Lifetime updates on the ML-Model
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